W2F - Project Guidelines

This page contains some guidelines for members of the W2F project. In the interest of good collaboration of all group members, please adhere to these guidelines. The current W2F web administrator is Bettina Weiss.


All bibliographies should be placed in the W2F/LITERATUR folder. You can find a README there that explains the procedure. Please create a subfolder specifying the topic of the bibliography (if none of the existing ones matches) and put your bib-File there. Place all online papers into a subfolder "Papers" and use gzip to compress them.

Papers, Technical Reports

Papers, Technical Reports and other publications should be done using LaTeX and BibTeX. We recommend that you use Xfig for generating figures. You should create a folder for your publication in W2F/ERG and put in all sources (text and figures), plus the DVI and the PS file. Please generate a PS version of the final publication for the W2F homepage using the "mytitle" macro (look into the sample file in W2F/TEMPLATES/Sample if you do not have that macro) and notify the W2F web administrator to put it on the W2F Publications page.

If you do not know how to start with your LaTeX file, refer to the sample file in W2F/TEMPLATES/Sample. You will find a sample TEX and its PS file there, which will explain basic things. Look into the TEX file for some additional comments. Just copy this file and adapt it to your needs.

In W2F/TEMPLATES/Diss you will find a template for a PhD thesis, featuring the first page (which must look like this), the abstracts pages, an acknowledgement page, and the curriculum vitae page. It allows to generate a draft (article style with very small margins) and a final version (book style).


Please create a personal W2F homepage with a brief description of the field you are working on. Put all interesting links (online bibliographies, interesting homepages, etc.) on it. Send the URL of this page to the W2F web administrator.