
Our first acknowledgements go to the head of IfRA (Institut für Rechnergestützte Automation) o. Univ. Prof. Dr.-Ing. G.-H. Schildt who continually gives us the possibility to pick out research interests in fields we are interested in.

Since 1998 the IfRA joined the EIB Scientific Partnership Program leading to closer cooperation with EIBA (European Installation Bus Association), where nowadays our former collegue of us Dr. Heinrich Reiter works. Thanks to his logistic support we were happy to get financial aid for the demo case shown below partly sponsered by EIBA and ABB.

EIBA European Installation Bus Association
ABB - Asea Brown Boveri

The whole project presented so far was once started "just for fun". Meanwhile (after some presentations at particular workshops and conferences and the response we got there) we are convinced of our approach for Jini connectivity of Home and Buidling Networks. Hence, if you are interested in future cooperations with our department, just contact us. We would be happy to here from you soon!