This paper shows that deterministic consensus with written messages is possible in the presence of link faults. As in our analysis of consensus with oral messages (OMH), we circumvent the impossibility result of (Gray, 1978) by limiting the degree of inconsistency caused by link faults in the broadcasts of a single sender resp. the receptions of a single receiver. Relying upon a suitable perception-based hybrid fault model, we prove that the m+1-round Authenticated Hybrid Oral Messages (``Byzantine Generals'') algorithm OMHA(m) of (Gong, Lincoln & Rushby, 1995) needs n> 2\ls + \lr + 2(\a+\s) + \c + m processes for tolerating at most \lr receive link faults per process, \ls broadcast link faults per process, and \a <= m-1, \s, \c arbitrary, symmetric, and manifest process faults. A considerably better fault-tolerance degree is established for their simple authenticated algorithm ZA(m), which needs only n > \ls + \lr + \a + \s + \c + 1 processes for coping with the same number of faults. In case of broken signatures, OMHA degrades to OMH and hence requires an additional \lra in the above lower bound for n, where \lra is the number of non-omission link faults. For ZA, a process with a compromised signature must be considered as arbitrary faulty and hence be counted in \a. Authenticated algorithms for consensus are therefore reasonably applicable even in wireless systems, where link faults and intrusions are the dominating source of errors. Keywords: Fault-tolerant distributed systems, fault models, link faults, consensus, Byzantine generals, written messages, authentication.