Conference Organization (Special Sessions)

 KNX Awardees

  • 2010: Georg Neugschwandtner (Integration)
  • 2008: Boris Malinowsky (Calimero)
  • 2006: Wolfgang Granzer (Security in KXN/EIB)
  • 2000: Christopher Krügel (KNX/Jini)

KNX Scientific Conference 2006

The Team

The 2006 KNX Scientific Conference took place at TU Vienna from 9-10 November. We are proud to have been given the opportunity to host this event and hope it was a success for all participants!

The local conference website is archived here.

Springer punktUM magazine covered the conference in its December issue (download the report [German]).

These were the presentations given by members of the Automation Systems Group:

Speakers (except Matthias Neugschwandtner) and local organizing committee (left to right): Wolfgang Granzer, Martin Kögler, Christian Reinisch, Fritz Praus, Georg Neugschwandtner, Wolfgang Kastner, Jürgen Weidinger, Jörg Rohringer, Oliver Alt - click image for a larger version

Light+Building 2006 

Fritz Praus, Wolfgang Granzer and Georg  Neugschwandtner (from left) at the L+B 2006   

We presented our projects at the Light+Building fair 2006 in Frankfurt. KNX Association kindly hosted us and our poster at their booth on April 7.

EIB Workshop 2000 

The EIB Workshop on iETS, Java, Jini and Linux was also hosted by ASG in 2000. It was the first forum dedicated to bringing developers and researchers working on EIB/Internet integration together.

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