A versatile networked embedded platform for KNX/EIB - KNXcalibur

Author: Fritz Praus
Supervisor: Wolfgang Kastner ,  Georg Neugschwandtner
Type: Master Thesis
Finished: 2005-11


The deployment of home and building automation systems allows to increase comfort, safety and security and reduce operational cost. Today such systems typically follow a hierarchical distributed approach. While control networks interconnect smart sensors and actuators, a backbone network provides the infrastructure for management tasks. Devices interconnecting these networks have a strategic role. Especially in the home domain, the integration of various control and data networks is essential for maximum benefit.

The European Installation Bus (KNX/EIB) is a popular control network designed to enhance electrical installations in buildings. It uses a proprietary twisted pair (TP) medium to interconnect devices like smart light switches and dimmers. The objective of this thesis is to design an embedded and versatile platform for ongoing development in the area of home and building automation systems with a focus on KNX/EIB TP. Besides two KNX/EIB TP interfaces, it provides RS-232, USB and Ethernet connectivity. The platform moreover has sufficient processing power and storage, enabling it to act as a "smart router" or gateway.

The thesis first presents a classification of control network devices. It then discusses the hardware and software requirements for the desired platform. A detailed presentation of its design, implementation and operation with respect to hardware and software follows.

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